There also probably isn't a person in the United States who hasn't been exposed to the vitriol coming from those who oppose California's Proposition 8, which will be decided by California's voters next week.
Enough is Enough!
I hope and pray that the majority of voters in California vote in favor of protecting traditional marriage, and thus vote Yes on Prop 8. But, I'm not going to be surprised if the very vocal, very intolerant, and very selfish minority of activists and supporters of so-called same sex marriage and lifestyles may win this battle. They have been working for a couple decades to force their lifestyle onto the rest of us as "normal" and "equal". They have resorted this time to outright lies, outright hostility, and outright wresting of law by influencing (perhaps even with riches) elected officials, lawyers and appointed judges to redefine law passed by the voice of the people.
Enough is Enough!
They claim that anyone who opposes their viewpoint is intolerant, un-Christian, bigoted, and a whole list of other labels, thus branding people as nothing less than Nazis for standing in the way of their "rights". Perhaps they should read some history and see how they are really the ones who are behaving like Nazis, full of hate, "charismatic" dogma, and trampling the law of the land and usurping the rights of all they disagree with.
Enough is Enough!
We are not foolish enough to believe that the war ends if they win the battle of Proposition 8 in California. They will find every possible means to fight the established law of the land in every other state where the voice of the people has been given to define and recognize the institution of marriage as being solely between a man and a woman. The point of the matter is that no one is discriminated against under the law. No one who meets the established criterion is prevented from entering into a civil marriage with a member of the opposite sex, regardless of one's personal views on morality or one's claimed preference for wanting intimate relations with a member of the same gender. The rights of those who label themselves as gay, lesbian, homosexual, transgender, bisexual, etc. are not infringed upon simply because they want to have a "seperate but more equal and legally sanctioned" status for their lifestyle. The tolerance of their tyrrany towards anything and anyone that opposes their views is already beginning.
Enough is Enough!
All the sophistry of argument, false justification, short-sighted rationale, logical debate, and mincing of semantics or legalise in the world can not change the fact that long term, promoting same sex relations and same sex relationships as normal AND acceptable leads to the disintegration of society by attacking and perverting the most basic of societal units -- the family. I have noticed in the past weeks that regardless of the venue, wherever individuals in support of Prop 8 are coming together in the virtual world of the internet, opponents are co-opting the venue, particularly in the forum arena. "Shout and shoot them down!" seems to be the mantra and modus operandi of these pawns. What do they really think to win ultimately? Lasting happiness? It isn't going to happen, no matter how much you force your views, agenda, and lifestyle down everyone else's throats.
Enough is Enough!
Happiness comes only through living the commandments of God, even if you don't believe there is a God. One can still be happy by living in accordance with the laws He set before the foundation of this world. No manner of legislation or judicial action by man will ever change that. God established the family unit, with father and mother, before the foundation of this world. Societies and nations that have ignored this and sought to replace it in times past have perished. One doesn't need to look back to the ancient world to find examples, though examples are to be found there as well. Look at any nation in the last century that has sought to replace the basic family organization with the state. Are any of them still in existence? No. Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union (and satellites) were prime examples of this. Each of these nations either were destroyed through warfare or social implosion, and new nations (often with the same names) were started in their place.
Enough is Enough!
In the cases of contemporary examples, we have not seen utter destruction. Utter destruction is what happens when everything and everyone is destroyed. Completely gone. Kind of like in the wake of a tsunami. There are only two ways that this continual attack on the family by the pawns of the enemy of all mankind -- the adversary, he who was cast out of God's presence for open rebellion and for wishing to take away our freedom to act and not be acted upon, the devil, Satan -- will end. The first is for those who are calling evil good and good evil to cease doing so and repent and bend their will to God's will and use some common sense to stop being so selfish. The other is that the more wicked part of the people will end up being destroyed, and they will likely take a fair portion of the righteous people with them in that destruction.
Enough is Enough!
Like I said earlier, you don't have to believe in God. That is your right. And the whole thing about seperation of State and Church is nothing more than the State can't force you to believe or not believe in a god or a religion. It does not and never has meant that laws could not or should not be based on morals taught in and adhered to by people who subscribe to any variety of flavor of religious faiths. The point is that the voice of the people is to be heard in making law, not the government, not judges. Regardless of where you stand personally on secularism or moralism in government, mankind can not legislate away the consequences of actions that go against law that is outside the pervue of any mortal judge or lawmaker. And, like it or not, He has and does allow the "Enough is Enough!" consequences to happen when people do not change their attitudes and desires and actions and live in such a way as to be in minimal compliance with His laws. Just be aware, you will and do bring yourself and those around you suffering and misery through your selfishness. Telling (and forcing) people they have to accept your desire to have intimate relations with someone of the same sex as equal to the law of God concerning intimate relations and the family will never bring you happiness.
Enough is Enough!
And to the people who are members of The Lord's true and living church who can't believe His Prophet and Apostles have counciled members to stand in Holy Places and support passage of laws to protect the traditional definition of marriage, I have but one thing to say. You have failed to understand. We are not following blindly. We perhaps have a clearer vision than you do, because we put our trust in Him. It is you who are sifting yourself away as chaff in the winds of the philosophies of man. It is you who have created a god after your own image, rather than learning of God and re-creating yourself after His image. It is you who have failed to liken the scriptures and prophecies contained therein to yourself. It is you who are doing the modern day version of casting stones at the prophets, or shooting arrows at the prophet on the city wall calling and pleading to the inhabitants thereof to repent before it is too late.
Enough is Enough!
You may not see a correlation, as supporting traditional marriage definition and the sanctity thereof and of families may seem simplistic in preserving the integrity of a nation. But, by small and simple things, God brings to pass many great and marvelous things. There were many in ancient Israel who didn't see the correlation between casting their eyes on the bronze serpent on the staff Moses had prepared and being cured of snake poison. And the scriptural account indicates that all those who failed to cast their eyes on it died, while all those who did were cured.
It's a test. Get it? When it is all said and done, which side of eternal law will you be on?
" for me and my house, we will serve The Lord" (Joshua 24:15)
And, if after all this, you need a more pragmatic reason to support passage of Proposition 8 and vote Yes on any other legislation or law that defends marriage as solely between a man and a woman, then view this.