I want to strongly encourage and recommend you read the linked op-ed piece written by my cousin, MMCM Kirk W. Waldron, United States Navy. When I read it yesterday for the first time, I was very impressed!
I asked his permission to link it and share it with all who may venture into this part of the universe. He graciously gave his consent, and asked if I was trying to make him famous! I replied that every piece of good writing, particularly that which is sharing plain and simple truth, should be celebrated! Beyond that, I don't know if being associated with The Blunt Edge is an asset or a liability for him. :D
Though Kirk and I haven't been terribly close in mortality due to growing up in different parts of the nation -- therefore not having had a lot of interaction -- I have been in silent awe at his decision, determination, and sacrifice to spend his life and career in the service of defending our nation. I think I was in Germany serving a mission when he began his military career.
And having had a very brief exposure to the lives of military families while I was there in Germany, I'm equally in silent awe at the support his wife and children have given him and the sacrifices made while he has been deployed at sea over the years.
The intent and words of my cousin's writing speaks for itself. I could not embellish or improve on it, even if I tried. Nor would I have earned the right to do so.
So, all I'll say is decide what you can do -- and then do it -- to stop the internal unraveling of this great nation. Otherwise, you make a mockery of the sacrifices of the men and women who voluntarily defend it from all threats, internal and external. Stand for what is right. Stand for what is true. "Remember how it felt to stand by your neighbor, not against him."
2 years ago