If you don't know where you're going, how do you know if you're there?
And where you're at is the beginning of what I've been working on for some time.
This is my world, and you are a guest here. So, please don't behave like a stupid tourist. Do not just assume you have the same right to equality of opinion and expression here you may have elsewhere. Insult the hospitality of the local Mr. Rourke, and you may find Burgermeister Meisterburger revokes your visa.
In other words, since this is my world, I reserve the right to decide whether or not I'll follow the principles of How to Win Friends and Influence People or take a hint from Glenn Beck and decide it's Closed Line Friday. So caveat emptor.
That being said, I really am a nice guy. I must insist that before you make any judgement or comment concerning anything I share here, you take off your shoes, put on mine, and walk in them a mile or so. Put on the clean socks provided before trying to get the shoes to fit... I'll have none of yer nasty old stink or assorted podiatrial biodiversity and fungi pollutin' my shoes. ;)
2 years ago
Aren't you supposed to be building a swingset for you kids?
Hello?! Where were you when I was asking for assistance in doing it? ;)
Unless you are one of the individuals who did show up for the variation of the extended Amish barn raising event it turned into, I'll thank you to not throw rocks at the glass house of this blog! ;) he he he... I mean really... even our new hometeachers eventually identified themselves and gave the requisite "Sure, we can come over and help you finish this thing off" with the unsaid but we may be too busy to actually come...
Project is done and in use on nearly a daily basis now, and the extra materials have even been taken back to Home Depot for refund. But thanks for asking... :)
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