13 June 2008


You may have noticed some changes recently.

Here at the Blunt Edge, a few widgets have been added.  I've seen them elsewhere and thought they were kind of neat.  Each has a certain utility, like the clock thingee (so you don't have to look at your watch or time piece on your computer), the visitor counter thingee (so I can tell how many times people are looking at the blog), the bookshelf thingee (so I can influence you to read some of the same books I have read), and the music playlist thingee (so that you can properly enjoy your time here with a selection of specially selected music).

I also added a couple of widgets that are pretty meaningless (the myminicity and myminilife thingees).  These last two have absolutely no purpose.  They get boring after about five minutes.  They may go away eventually...

I've gone a couple times in the past without posting anything for months at a time.  This time, it is because the firm I was employed with back in April informed me my position was being eliminated and my services to the firm were no longer needed.  In the minds of those who were tasked to show improvement in expense, I was an unnecessary widget in the structure of the company.

Hell, I could have told them that a couple years ago... it doesn't take a moron to see that the model the company was following said so... just an underpaid, underutilized moron with an MBA who is in a dead end situation.  But bless the hearts of my managers, they ostensibly defended my position for several years until there was no more lower fruit to shed.  I suppose I should be grateful for that, and I am since I had a job.  But, what they didn't do me any service in was keeping me as isolated as they did... stagnating my professional growth and development and training in the process.  It has made it that much harder to:  a). find a new job with a new firm; b). feel confident in my own abilities and transferable skill sets; and c). have the salary track record to negotiate a more equitable salary and compensation package than what I was receiving.  It is said one should not say anything negative about a previous employer to anyone, and I try not to.  

And this is the only thing I will say about the firm that ticks me off.  They claim loyalty to their employees, but do a very poor job at building their confidence.  I think most people who work for this firm for a long time, despite how competent they are, are ill equiped for the change of the finding out you are dispensable.

So, onward and upward in the topic of change.

We are in times of accelerated change.  The economy is being hurt badly by a variety of factors, and for the bulk of the population, things are getting tough and tougher.  I find it interesting that Ralph Waldo Emerson stated "Can anybody remember when the times were not hard and money not scarce?"  Maybe not, but it is certainly easy to remember when times were not as hard and money not as scarce.  Those that are well to do, those that are in power in corporations and in government, those who do not or have forgotten what it is to struggle -- they don't have a real clue what the rest of the population worry about, so things don't seem that bad.  And yet, those same people politic for elected office under the banner of "change."

Let's talk a bit about politics.  It is an election year here in the United States of America.  We will have elected a new Chief Executive of the nation by the end of November.  We will have "change" indeed there.  And each side is afraid of the "change" that the other side is promising to bring to the office to "fix" the problems.  And yet, in all the political rhetoric that has been going on for the past year between candidates and those that live and breathe to talk politics, there is not much "change".  In my mind, Winston Churchill kind of sums it up the situation well: "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."  We are turning into a nation of fanatics following fanatic ideology... left, right, liberal, conservative, libertarian, reactionary, anarchist...  It is downright scarey.  Compare our political situation to pre-WWII Germany.  Compare our social and cultural situation to pre-WWII Germany.  Change for just the sake of change -- or ill-advised change -- is not a good thing when it comes to running the country...

Personal change is not necessarily a bad thing, though.  Indeed, we're commanded, admonished, encouraged, and pled with to change in the scriptures by The Lord and His prophets.  Just a little thing called repentance.  Not an easy thing to do though, despite the fact we seem to live in a world of constant change.  Ironic, isn't it?  That which we can control the best is typically the thing we find hardest to accomplish successfully.

Sometimes, it takes an epiphany of sorts to help us start looking through the proper part of the glasses that have slid down to the bottom of our nose.  That ancient Chinese philosophizer Confucious (you know, the old guy with the long fu-manchu... not the Sew-crates dude Bill and Ted brought back from ancient Greece to help with their history report) is credited with saying "They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom."

I have a lot more I want to say about the topic of change, but I've really been fighting the feeling that doing anything creative in nature is wasting time when I need to be securing a new job ASAP.  It has been nearly two months now, and well, some days are more promising than others.  It is amazing how much desire to accomplish anything can be drained by the smallest of rejections or perceived rejection or lack of fit.  That is a condition of the change I have been forced into I will not miss when I am gainfully employed again.

Anyway, I'll pick up again here soon and continue with some of my thoughts on change.  Let's leave the topic for now with the following thought from Euripides "There is in the worst of fortune the best of chances for a happy change."


Beefche said...

Very good point about difficulty in personal changing in a world full of changes. Hmmm, changes...are you an Obama fan? ;)

I'm sorry for the difficulty you have in finding a new job. It's always a test of faith and endurance when one lives righteously and yet things aren't going our way. I won't repeat all the things I'm sure others have said as well as what you've said to yourself. So, just know that you have others praying for your family.

Mellocat said...

Obama's and Billary's "changes" are the types that will overtly move us closer to either extreme taking control. I am not a "fan" of any candidate. Nor am I a "fan" of our current political climate that insists something is wrong if one doesn't fervently declare his or her camp and damn the rest.

Beefche said...

Huh? I didn't quite understand that last sentence of yours. Care to clarify?

I could talk all day about the political climate in our country. I am not a policitcal guru, by any definition. But I am taking a more active interest and am extremely concerned by what I'm seeing. I, too, don't like any candidate we have. Unfortunately, I do not trust ANY politician to do what they say.

We can say that the prophecies are coming true as detailed in our scriptures and by our prophets. But I still want to do what I can to fight the tide.

Mellocat said...

Huh? I didn't quite understand that last sentence of yours. Care to clarify?
Neither the original post or my response comment was a political commentary. Though I don't feel the need to clarify, see Alma 2:5-8 in context and liken that situation to our day. A big difference exists between being a "fan" (short for fanatic) and in supporting -- let alone preferring -- one candidate over another.

Fanaticism, be it political or otherwise, is increasing throughout our society, even in places and groups folks think are immune from it... like groups of church members. And those that are involved or have fallen prey to it are the last to admit it and the first to take offense if another mentions anything about lack of balance.

My thoughts are on change. More to come later in a future posting.