29 June 2015

of re-creating God after our own image...

This blog post is going to take a new approach...

In the spirit of Mike Myers' old SNL sketch, "Coffee Talk with Paul Baldwin / Linda Richman," since I've been a little verklempt for the past couple years, continue talking amongst yourselves.  Here is your topic:

The SCOTUS is neither Supreme and no longer a court of justice or justices ruled by law or the Constitution.



Anonymous said...

Yes, these idiots are bought an paid for. Legislation from the bench is never how this country was meant to offer. Oh, and get some more topics...or are you just one and done?

Mellocat said...

Do I sense a cynic behind that comment? Stating the obvious that the judiciary is out of control and wrests the law of the land dies not constitute "talking amongst yourselves." The actions are a symptom of a larger problem -- that the nation and much of the population are listing severely to the enticements of the father of lies.

Next time, remember this blog is my little universe, so don't wear your welcome out by telling me to offer more topics. Look around, Bubba. There are a variety of posts I've made. I post when I feel like it and talk about what I determine to be pertinent. On the blunt edge, you should spend more time on checking your spell checker, because I doubt you meant to say "how this country was meant to offer." It maketh no senseth.

In other words, you don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you pull the mask off the old lone ranger, and you don't mess around with Jim. Remember these words of wisdom...

yuireview said...

i just reading can't judge with it

Mellocat said...

Well, Kdlhub Tech Forever, as much as I appreciate you saying "Nice Post Thank You", or something like that, you are obviously some sort of yahoo since you thought you could get away with hyperlinking a bunch of websites to your comment.

Sorry, you lose. You do not pass Go and will not collect $200. This shall be all the world sees of your comment, and is your Cone of Shame.

Mellocat said...

You may have a point there yuireview... and at least you understand what it is.