Anyway, updates...
School has been out for nearly two months now and the kids have been bouncing off the walls most the summer...
Work has been steadily boring, but I got a raise, so I now get paid more for being bored...
The Mrs. joined us recently at the Bountiful Forum, and seems to be as addicted to the social atmosphere there as everyone else who participates... come on, you know you guys are, so don't try to deny it...
Blew a gasket at a couple of folks on Bountiful Forum yesterday and behaved poorly as a result and feel badly about it...
Oh, and I was called to be Scoutmaster in our ward last week... and yet, was not released as the Asst. Scoutmaster of the 11 year olds. So, I'm my own Assistant. That goes right in line with the corporate organization chart at work. I'm the lowest on the food chain for my surname (as far as levels) from the CEO worldwide in the whole company... I'm like level 10. My own brother is like one or two levels higher in his respective food chain. I would be the highest of all the surname, but for some reason, our employer likes to create organizational structures where managers of sub-organizations are also the manager of the parent organization. Last time I checked, everyone between my direct leader and the direct report to the CEO were listed twice in the food chain. In other words, each reported to themself.
Yeah, wouldn't that be sweet!
Back to the Scoutmaster thing. My brother, The Scoutmaster (said with a certain sinister flare, followed with lightening flash and thunder and an evil sounding 'Bwa-ha-ha!'), was quite happy for me. His response was essentially what a great calling! Excuse my self-doubting oh brother of mine, but this is coming from a man who has just gotten back from a major high adventure with his troop... Okay, well since I follow you in everything and have taken my lead from you in just about everything since I was born, I'll trust you once again... but, does that mean you are gonna come up and help me out? After all, you are an experienced Scoutmaster with lots of experience, enthusiasm, training, and clout under your belt. Me? Well, I've got lots of gut hanging out over my belt...
Fears of failure aside (and yes, anyone who really knows and understands the relationship of Scouting with the Aaronic Priesthood and young men's program within the LDS Church knows that failure is not something to flirt with... you are helping groom the next generation of Melchizedek Priesthood holders of the Church), it should be fun. Definitely a challenge. But, our Bishop has full confidence in me. And so does the former Scoutmaster. It will give me the chance to shine.
Oh, by the way, welcome former Scoutmaster and family to the Blunt Edge recommended blogs / websites! Hopefully, I don't get in trouble for linkin' ya... what's hatching... cute... :D
So, as of this post, we are at about T minus 33 hours and counting until leaving for Scout Camp up near Traverse City. 18 boys. I'll have a number of the boys' dads coming up and spending time with us over the period of the week. But, since Scout Camp was scheduled before I was called as Scout Master, I won't be staying the whole week. I had other previously made plans...
Come Thursday, the Mrs. is driving north and will pick me up. We plan on having a kids-free mini-vacation in Traverse City and round about that day, evening, and work our way back home Friday, getting there by Saturday morning about the same time the boys are coming back from camp most likely dirty and smelly, tired, sunburned, and with some fun and merit badges under their belts. I on the other hand, will be coming home neither dirty or smelly, likely refreshed, not as sunburned, and hopefully still with some degree of financial solvency in the wallet.
One thing that could make things miserable, beyond high heat, would be rain... that novelty thing from distant memories this summer down here in SE Michigan... The guy at the rental place former Scoutmaster and I went today to renting the trailer from said it was cooler and wetter up north than down here. Great! But, I (and probably all the dads going) hope it don't rain...
Here is hoping that this sign doesn't turn into the description of the week...
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